I can't believe vacation is almost over! It went by very fast. Today was sort of a rain-out type day. The rain was very heavy all last night, and continued throughout the day. We took a drive inland again, this time towards the northwest. We went for lunch at a home-cooking restaurant called Cole's Farm. Lunch was very good....meatloaf sandwich and fish chowder for Ed, and I had the hot meatloaf with mashed and gravy. The waitress forgot my salad, and given the fact that Cole's Farm makes and sells their salad dressings, I did insist that she bring me the salad with my entree. We ended up buying a bottle of the dressing, a blackberry jam and Flo's hotdog relish.
We continued on to Freeport, and made a very hurried stop at LL Bean, but at least I can say I was there at the "mother store". I was looking for summer flipflops, but saw nothing I wanted. We then continued on the Rt. 1 path, and here we sit...on the last night of vacation. *sad face*
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