Tuesday, August 4, 2009


As I had mentioned before in an earlier entry, we have this neighbor who is a rather clueless parallel parker. This morning, I noticed that he had put out two lawn chairs in the street to “save” his parking space. First of all, this is never done during Musikfest. The street is for public parking, and Dipshit should know better.

In the winter, it’s a different story. It’s sort of an unwritten rule that if there is a major snow storm and you have spent the time to dig out your car and the parking space, it’s okay to reserve that space with a chair or a crate or what have you.

So, getting back to Dipshit, if the cars that park in front and behind the chairs park too close, he’ll never be able to get in the spot anyway. I would hope that during the day someone took the initiative to just move the chairs.

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